Articles and Chapters

Louis Kriesberg

Recent and Selected Not-So-Recent Publications

2024. Help, Help, Now. Help – LK Blog

2022. Conflict Transformations, Constructive. In: Kurtz, L.R. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, vol. 1. Elsevier, Academic Press, pp. 235–247.

2021.  Conflict Resolution in Organizations of Goodwill. Organizations of Goodwill (002)

2021. Louis Kriesberg’s responses to questions about his life and career, posed by Larisa Titarenko, colleague in Sociology, Belarusian State University in Minsk, Belarus. January 20, 2021. Published in Russian, in the Russian Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 2021 #1.

2019. Routledge Companion to Peace and Conflict Studies. Connecting Theory and Practice in the Peace and Conflict Studies Field, pp. 35-44.

2019. Interactions among Populism, Peace, and Security in Contemporary AmericaSicherheit und Frieden; Security and Peace, 37 (1) pp. 1-7.

2019. Joyce Neu and Louis Kriesberg. Conflict Analysis and Resolution: Development of the Field. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies.  

2018. Louis Kriesberg and Joyce Neu. Conflict Analysis and Resolution as a Field: Core Concepts and Issues. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies.  

2015. Constructive Negotiations in Contentious Contexts. pp. 125-139 in Negotiating in Times of Conflict. Gilead Sherand Anat Kurz, eds. Center for Applied Negotiations, Institute for National Security, Tel Aviv, Israel.

2015. Constructive Conflict Approach to World Struggles. The Brown Journal of World Affairs.

2015.  Negotiating Conflict TransformationsHandbook of International Negotiation: Interpersonal, Intercultural and Diplomatic Perspectives.

2014. Beginnings of My JourneyPeacebuilding.

2013. Moral Judgements, Human Needs and Conflict Resolution: Alternative Approaches to Ethical Standards. Beyond Basic Needs: Linking Theory and Practice.

2012. Challenges to Peacemaking: External Interventions. Peacemaking from Practice to Theory.

2011.  State of the Art in Conflict Transformation.  Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation.

2010. A Conversation Between Conflict Resolution and Social Movement Scholars.  By Beth Roy, John Burdick, Louis Kriesberg.  Conflict Resolution Quarterly.

2010. Conflict Resolution Overview. The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace

2010. Intractable Conflicts. The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace.

2010. Constructive Conflicts. The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace.

2010. Interlocking Conflicts. The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace.

2010.Conflict Phases. The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace.

2009. Changing Conflict Asymmetries Constructively.  Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways Toward Terrorism and Genocide 2/1:4-22.

2009. The Evolution of Conflict Resolution. Pp. 15-32 in The Sage Handbook of Conflict Resolution, J. Bercovitch, V. Kremenyuk and I. W. Zartman, Eds, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.

2009. Waging Conflict Constructively. Pp. 157-169 in Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, S. Byrne, D. Sandole, I. Staroste-Sandole and J. Senehi, Eds., London and New York: Routeledge.

2008. Conflict Transformation. Pp. 401-412 in Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict. Lester R. Kurtz, Ed., 2nd. Ed., San Diego: Academic Press.

2007. Reconciliation: Aspects, Growth, and Sequences.  International Journal of Peace Studies 12:1-21.

2007. Long Peace or Long War: A Conflict Resolution Perspective. Negotiation Journal 23:97-116.

2007. Contemporary Conflict Resolution Applications. Pp. 455-476 in Leashing the Dogs of War: Conflict Management in a Divided World, edited by C. A. Crocker, F. O. Hampson, and P. Aall. Washington D.C.: United States Institute of Peace.

2007. The Conflict Resolution Field: Origins, Growth, and Differentiation.  In Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods and Techniques, William Zartman, Ed., Washington D.C., United States Institute of Peace.

2006. Assessing Past Strategies For Countering Terrorism, In Lebanon and by Libya.  Peace and Conflict Studies 13:1-20.

2002. The Relevance of Reconciliation Actions in the Breakdown of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiation, 2000. Peace and Change 27:546-571.

2002. Convergence Between International Security Studies and Peace Studies.  In Conflict, Security, Foreign Policy, and International Political Economy: Past Paths and Future Directions in International Studies, Brecher, M. and Harvey, F. Ed., Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press.

2001.Mediation and the Transformation of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.  Journal of Peace Research 38:2001.

1999. Reflections on My Roles, Identities, and Activities Relating to Conflict Resolution.   Nexus, Vol. 1, Spring/Fall, pp. 118-125.

1993. Comments About Responding to Early Warnings. The Carter Center of Emory University, International Negotiation Network Consultation in Atlanta, GA. Feb. 17-19.

1991. Formal and Quasi-Mediators in International Disputes: An Exploratory Analysis.  Journal of Peace Research 28:19-27.

1985. Conciliation, Confrontation & Presidential ApprovalPeace and Change: A Journal of Peace Research 11:31-48.

1984. Policy Continuity and Change.Social Problems 32:89-102. With Harry Murray and Ross Klein.

1984. Social Theory and the De-escalation of International Conflict. Sociological Review.

1982. Elites and Increased Public Support for U.S. Military Spending. The Journal of Political and Military Sociology 10:275-297 With Ross Klein.

1980. Interlocking Conflicts in the Middle East. Research in Social Movements,  Conflicts and Change 3:99-119.

1980. Changes in Public Support for U.S. Military Spending.The Journal of Conflict Resolution 24:79-111.

1970. Nongovernmental Organizations. In Peace and the War Industry, Kenneth E. Boulding, Ed., New Brunswick, Transaction Books.

1968. US-USSR Participation in International Non-Governmental Organizations. In Social Processes in International Relations: A Reader, L. Kriesberg, Ed., New York: John Wiley and Sons.

1968. Internal Differentiation and the Establishment of Organizations. In Institutions and the Person: Essays . Presented to Everett C. Hughes, Howard S. Becker, David Riesman, Blanche Geer, and Robert Weiss., Chicago: Aldine.

1963. The Relationship between Socio-Economic Rank and Behavior. Social Problems 10:334-353.

1960. German Businessmen and Union Leaders and the Schuman Plan.  Social Science 35:114-121.

1959. German Evaluations of the European Coal and Steel Community.  Published as “Die Europaische Gemeinschaft fur Kohl und Stahl in Urteil der Deutschen, 1950-1956,” Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 11 (1959), pp. 496-516.

1959. “German Public Opinion and the European Coal and Steel Community.  The Public Opinion Quarterly 23:28-42.

1956. National Security and Conduct in the Steel Gray Market.  Social Forces 34:268-277.

1955. Occupational Controls Among Steel Distributors. The American Journal of Sociology 61:203-212.